Below you will find a list of our main courses. If you want the most important part of each course as one course, it is of course possible. If you want more information about the content of the courses, feel free to contact us.

Keeping pets
We talk about keeping pets, their needs, and the current regulations that pet owners face. In addition, we will talk about why animals may develop behavioral problems and where to seek help.

Small animals
Small animals may seem like simple pets, but in fact keeping them is an art in itself. The needs of some small animals are so specific that we may not always be aware of them. In addition, we also talk about the physical and mental health of small animals, so that it is possible to prevent problems and, if necessary, find a solution in time

Dog behaviour and training
We will talk about the body language of dogs, their training and different training methods. In addition, we discuss the most common behavioral problems and try to look at the reasons behind them together.

Course for kindergarten children
We tell children how to interact with pets - what they like and what they don't. We will discuss how it would be appropriate to behave in the presence of a pet and take part in taking care of it.

Course for primary school
Let's talk about pet behavior, how to tell if an animal is feeling well or not. Let's talk about animal-related concerns in society. We discuss what the pet's needs are and solve related tasks.

Course for elementary school
We talk about the behavior of pets, their training and their needs. We point out animal-related concerns and solutions to improve them. We discuss the role of humans in the lives of animals and its positive and negative aspects.