Do you need advice, support, help or a comprehensive plan on how to handle your four-legged friend better?
The dog reacts to passers-by on the street, which makes walks a real challenge
The dog pulls on the leash so energetically that sometimes you feel as if he has taken you for a walk instead.
A visit to the veterinarian is a complete headache, because the muzzle stays on the dog's head for only a second, and the inspection has to be performed on a dog that is running around.
The dog is afraid of new experiences and escapes as soon as possible.
As much as these may seem like insurmountable problems, in fact, solutions to these problems do exist. You just have to find the right solution for your dog and start moving towards results step by step.
Feel free to contact us with other questions regarding pets. starting with, for example, adopting a shelter dog and ending with housing conditions or suitable training equipment. We do our best to leave no question unanswered.
Contact us!